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De steen die terug naar huis ging - Blog

The stone that returned home


200.000 years ago a glacier broke off a stone from his mother stone and carried him to the Netherlands. In October 2019, Bart Eysink Smeets is bringing this stone - finally - back home. 


The Blog is mainly about all the things that happened before the actual trip.


2019, July 1

Klaas Drint

An amature geologist had an interesting request. As he was getting older he was getting more and more aware of the stone collection he was going to leave behind when 

he past. He quoted the poem by Amanda Strydom: 


"Alle pelgrims keer weer huistoe, elke swerwer kom weer tuis".

[all the pelgrims and wanderers, please return home]

Because we call the ancient stones in the ground 'zwerfkeien' [wandering stones], this poem is very suitable and calls for all the stones to return home.

That's why Klaas asked me to return all his stones he's got from the Åland islands home.

2019, May 27

Making a mold

There will be a monument made for the stone, to remember it in Borger. For this monument I needed to make a mold of the stone.

2019, May 21

Ferry and Margrete

I got an email from Ferry saying: you are deciding the stone is feeling home sick, but have you asked the stone?

So, intrigued off course, I invited him to do just that. Because the stone doesn't have a mouth, Margrete would close her eyes and speak for the stone. Ferry would ask the questions, but I was also allowed to ask some questions. Good news: the stone actually wants to go to Åland!

2019, April 24

Åland Lobby

I went to Åland to talk to ask: do you want this stone?

I talked to the mayor, the dutch consul and many more. I even got to see the parliament of Åland. I also did some location scouting for the final place for the stone.

Good news: they are very happy to welcome the stone back.

2019, March 7

Relocation of the stone

The stone has been lying on the roundabout in Borger for years, but the municipality of Borger-Odoorn were afraid of the crowds of people saying goodbye to the stone on the roundabout, so they decided to relocate the stone for traffic safety reasons.

2019, March 4

Half way Crowdfunding

When I reached half of the goal I set for the crowdfunding I reminded people that we don't want to bring the stone back half way.

2019, February 20

Pecha Kucha

I was invited to talk about the stone at Pecha Kucha in Rotterdam. Especially for the event I made a stone-suit. The concept of Pecha Kucha is 20 slides, 20 seconds per slide. The audience was very enthusiastic. 

2019, February 18

Stone in the media

The press covering the story for the first time and the start of the crowdfunding.


RTV Drenthe

OVT Radio 1

Dagblad van het Noorden

2019, February 11

Crowdfunding start

We made a video to raise money to bring the stone back home.

I added some english subtitles later.

2018, December 12

We found a stone

Gerrit emailed me showing a photo of a stone. This could be the lucky stone which we will bring back home! It is an Ålandrapakivi. That means the stone's home is Åland, a group of islands in between Finland and Sweden.

2018, November 18

A tour by Gerrit the geologist

Gerrit is a volunteer at the Hunebed centre. He gives tours trough the center of Borger, where he talks about all the stones lying there.

2018, November 14

Hunebed centre says no.

The stone me and the municipality chose is too important for the centre.

2018, September 13

Presentation Cultuur Verbindt!

Cultuur Verbindt! is a monthly event in which the people of Borger-Odoorn can talk about culture in the municipality. This was a good way for me to show my project.

There were sandwiches and soup.

2018, September 13

Meeting and lunch at Gemeentehuis Borger-Odoorn

I had a good meeting with the people at Borger-Odoorn. They were willing too donate a stone to the project! After the meeting I was invited to lunch at the gemeentehuis. I was lucky, because it was frikandellendag!

2018, June 7

Calling municipalities of Drenthe

The first step in the project is: asking the municipalities who the stones lying around in Drenthe belong to.

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